New Paperback and eBook: Heartfelt
Have you been in a conversation and see tears in another’s eyes? Or walk in on someone who is crying? Or heard about a friend facing...

The power of Little Moments
Sometimes little moments can matter. I still remember from my childhood a comment my stepfather made to me when we were playing catch in...

The Ring of Valor: No Bullying
I had asthma as a child. I often woke up in the middle of the night, barely able to breathe. Suffocation is a horrible ordeal for anyone,...

The politics of hate?
Now that I am retired I have the freedom to talk about political matters. So here we go. With all the demonizing of Hispanics by the...

Good board games are not bored games
Now that I am retired, I have the time to move forward by looking back. Many parts of insightofcaring.com are resources I created when I...

The Jungle Book
Betsy, Sarah and my grandchildren saw The Jungle Book movie yesterday. Gads what a fantastic story that emphasizes caring, courage, and...

Anger and injustice
Consider the following exerpt from my new book Anger! A Guide to Our Fiery Landscape: Having someone display anger when we are being...
Can caring be violent?
Putting the words “caring” and “violent” together may seem contradictory. My son is in law enforcement. At one time he was in charge of a...
Lost opportunities
I can recall one of my lost opportunities while I sat in an empty doctor’s office waiting room. A woman arrived alone. She had what...
Caring and anger?
I think associating anger with caring is unusual. But the opposite of anger is indifference, not serenity. Genuine anger means we care...